What is Ollama? How to Use Ollama?

What is Ollama? How to Use Ollama?
Open source models on your local machine & Develop new new models on top of it

Introduction to Ollama

Ollama represents a cutting-edge AI tool that transforms the user experience with large language models. By enabling the execution of open-source language models locally, Ollama delivers unmatched customization and efficiency for natural language processing tasks.

Features of Ollama

  • Local Language Model Execution: Ollama permits users to run extensive language models locally, offering accelerated processing capabilities.
  • Llama 2 Model: Users have access to the robust Llama 2 language model for advanced natural language processing tasks. (There are many such models present at the ollama Library)
  • Model Customization: With Ollama, users can tailor and construct their own language models to suit specific tasks and needs.
  • Easy Setup: The tool provides a user-friendly interface for swift setup and utilization.
  • Platform Compatibility: Presently, Ollama is compatible with macOS, with future plans for Windows and Linux support.

How to Use Ollama

To initiate your journey with Ollama, visit the official website and download the tool. Post-installation, users can explore pre-installed language models or create their own. Ollama streamlines the process of running language models locally, granting greater authority and adaptability in AI endeavors.

Benefits of Ollama

  • Ollama empowers researchers, developers, and data scientists to leverage advanced language models effectively.
  • Enhance natural language processing capabilities through Ollama's customizable models.

Overall, Ollama stands as a revolutionary force in the AI realm, equipping users with the necessary tools to elevate their projects to new heights.

Key Features of Ollama

Ollama, an innovative AI tool, boasts a plethora of key features that distinguish it in the domain of natural language processing:

Local Language Model Execution

A standout attribute of Ollama is its capacity to execute large language models locally. This feature provides users with swift processing capabilities and the flexibility to work offline, making it invaluable for researchers and developers.

Model Customization

With Ollama, users are empowered to customize and forge their own language models tailored to specific tasks and requirements. This level of customization enables more targeted and efficient natural language processing.

Easy Setup

Ollama offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the setup process. Users can swiftly commence their journey with the tool, exploring language models or creating their own without unnecessary complexities.

Platform Compatibility

Presently, Ollama is compatible with macOS, with forthcoming plans for Windows and Linux support. This ensures seamless integration with various operating systems, rendering Ollama a versatile choice for a diverse range of users.

With these key features, Ollama emerges as a premier AI tool for those delving into advanced natural language processing tasks.

Ollama Models

Within the realm of Ollama, the array of models it offers stands out as a pivotal aspect that distinguishes it in the sphere of AI and natural language processing. Let's delve into some prominent Ollama models:

Llama 2 Model

Among the flagship models in the Ollama ecosystem is the Llama 2 model. Acknowledged for its uncensored and highly accurate natural language processing capabilities, Llama 2 is a favored choice among researchers and developers striving to push the boundaries of AI technology. Leveraging the prowess of Llama 2 can notably enhance the quality and performance of various AI applications.


Introducing Gemma, Google's groundbreaking open model developed by the DeepMind team. Available in 2b and 7b parameter sizes, Gemma undergoes rigorous training on a diverse dataset, mastering language comprehension from programming syntax to mathematical reasoning. Unlock the future of natural language understanding with Gemma.

Orca-Platypus Model

Another noteworthy model within Ollama is the Orca-Platypus model. This model amalgamates the strengths of Orca and Platypus to furnish users with a versatile and potent tool for language processing tasks. With Orca-Platypus, users can tackle a wide array of natural language processing challenges with ease and efficiency.

Wizard-Coder Model

The Wizard-Coder model is tailored for developers and data scientists seeking to streamline their coding processes using AI. This model offers advanced coding recommendations, bug detection, and code completion features to enhance productivity and efficiency in software development projects. With Wizard-Coder, the coding experience becomes more intuitive and error-free.

These examples merely scratch the surface of the diverse and pioneering models accessible within the Ollama ecosystem. Each model caters to distinct needs and requirements, empowering users to unlock the full potential of advanced AI technology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Ollama

1. What is Ollama and how does it revolutionize AI technology?

Ollama is an advanced AI tool that allows users to run large language models locally, providing unmatched customization and efficiency for natural language processing tasks. It revolutionizes AI technology by empowering users to tailor and construct their own language models for specific tasks, enhancing their projects to new heights.

2. What are the key features of Ollama that set it apart in the domain of natural language processing?

  • Local Language Model Execution: Ollama enables users to execute extensive language models locally, offering accelerated processing capabilities.
  • Llama 2 Model: Users have access to the powerful Llama 2 language model for advanced natural language processing tasks.
  • Model Customization: With Ollama, users can customize and create their own language models tailored to specific requirements.
  • Easy Setup: The tool provides a user-friendly interface for swift setup and utilization.
  • Platform Compatibility: Ollama is currently compatible with macOS, with plans for Windows and Linux support in the future.

3. How can users get started with Ollama and leverage its advanced AI capabilities?

To begin using Ollama, users can visit the official website, download the tool, and explore the pre-installed language models or create their own. Ollama simplifies the process of running language models locally, granting users greater control and flexibility in their AI projects. Follow the detailed guide to get familiar with Ollama

4. What are some prominent Ollama models available for users in the realm of AI and natural language processing?

  • Llama 2 Model: Renowned for its accurate natural language processing capabilities, Llama 2 is a favored choice among researchers and developers.
  • Orca-Platypus Model: Combining the strengths of Orca and Platypus, this model offers versatility and efficiency in language processing tasks.
  • Wizard-Coder Model: Tailored for developers and data scientists, this model enhances coding processes using AI with advanced features.

5. What are the installation and setup instructions for Ollama to help users get started?

Ollama can be installed locally and used to create new models from existing models locally following step-by-step guide to create your first ollama local model by using Gemma model (open source)